
This guide will walk through creating a brand new project using the Warpgrapher engine. The quickstart example will create a very simple service. It will store email addresses for users. Warpgrapher is far more capable, allowing storage and retrieval of complex data models with many relationships. But for now, to get started quickly, begin with as simple a data model as possible.

This quickstart assumes a working knowledge of Rust, GraphQL, and at least one graph database. For example, we don't cover creating a new Rust project using cargo init.


First, set up the Cargo.toml file to import Warpgrapher as a dependency. There are crate features for each of the databases supported as a back-end. Use the gremlin feature to support Gremlin-based databases such as Apache Tinkerpop and Azure CosmosDB. Use cypher to support Cypher-based databases, such as AWS Neptune and Neo4J. This tutorial example uses Neo4J.


warpgrapher = { version = "0.11.2", features = ["cypher"] }

The src/main.rs file begins with a definition of the data model for the example:

static CONFIG: &str = "
version: 1
  - name: User
      - name: email
        type: String
        required: false

Configurations are written in YAML. Although this example uses a static string for convenience, configurations may be stored in standalone files, or assembled from multiple parts.

The example configuration illustrates several principles in configuring a Warpgrapher engine. The configuration format itself is versioned, for backward compatibility. The version: 1 line notes that this configuration uses version 1 of the configuration file format. Until Warpgrapher reaches version 1.0, breaking changes in the config file format are permitted. After 1.0, breaking changes will trigger an increment to the configuration version.

The configuration contains a model object. The model is a list of types present in the data model. In this case, the data model has only a single type called User. Type definitions contain one or more properties on the type, listed under props. In this example, the props list contains only one property, named email. The email property is of type String.

Altogether, this configuration defines a very simple data model. That data model keeps records about users, and the one property tracked for users is their email address.

Source Code

Once the configuration describing the data model is in place, it takes relatively little code to get a Warpgrapher engine up and running, ready to handle all the basic CRUD operations for that data.

The example creates a request context for the engine. The request context does two things. First, it tells the engine which type of database endpoint to use, which is Neo4J in this case. Second, the context provides a way for systems built on Warpgrapher to pass application-specific data into the engine for later use by custom-written endpoints and resolvers. In this example, there's no such custom data, so the context is empty other than designating a DBEndpointType of CypherEndpoint.

struct AppRequestContext {}

impl RequestContext for AppRequestContext {
    type DBEndpointType = CypherEndpoint;
    fn new() -> AppRequestContext {
        AppRequestContext {}

The Warpgrapher engine is asynchronous, so the main function is set up to be executed by Tokio in this example.

async fn main() {

Warpgrapher is invoked to parse the configuration string created in CONFIG above.

    // parse warpgrapher config
    let config = Configuration::try_from(CONFIG.to_string()).expect("Failed to parse CONFIG");

Next, the databse endpoint is configured using a set of environment variables. See below for the correct environment variables and values.

    // define database endpoint
    let db = CypherEndpoint::from_env()
        .expect("Failed to parse cypher endpoint from environment")
        .expect("Failed to create cypher database pool");

The configuration and database created above are passed to the Warpgrapher engine, as follows.

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine: Engine<AppRequestContext> = Engine::new(config, db)
        .expect("Failed to build engine");

At this point, the Warpgrapher engine is created and ready to field queries. The remainder of the source code in the example file created a simple query to demonstrate that the query engine is functioning. It creates a sample GraphQL query, submits the query to the Warpgrapher engine, and then prints out the query results to stdout. In a realistic system, the Warpgrapher engine would be invoked from the handler function of an HTTP server.

    // execute graphql mutation to create new user
    let query = "
        mutation {
            UserCreate(input: {
                email: \"a@b.com\"
            }) {
    let metadata = HashMap::new();
    let result = engine.execute(query, None, metadata).await.unwrap();

    // display result
    println!("result: {:#?}", result);


Configure database settings using the following environment variables:

export WG_CYPHER_PORT=7687
export WG_CYPHER_USER=neo4j

Start a 4.1 Neo4j database:

docker run --rm -p 7687:7687 -e NEO4J_AUTH="${WG_CYPHER_USER}/${WG_CYPHER_PASS}" neo4j:4.4


Run the example using cargo as follows.

cargo run

The output from the example should look something like the following.

result: Object({
    "data": Object({
        "UserCreate": Object({
            "id": String(
            "email": String(

The identifier will be a different UUID than the one shown above, of course.

Full Example Code

The full example source code listing is below:


use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use warpgrapher::engine::config::Configuration;
use warpgrapher::engine::context::RequestContext;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::cypher::CypherEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::DatabaseEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::Engine;

static CONFIG: &str = "
version: 1
  - name: User
      - name: email
        type: String
        required: false

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AppRequestContext {}

impl RequestContext for AppRequestContext {
    type DBEndpointType = CypherEndpoint;
    fn new() -> AppRequestContext {
        AppRequestContext {}

async fn main() {
    // parse warpgrapher config
    let config = Configuration::try_from(CONFIG.to_string()).expect("Failed to parse CONFIG");

    // define database endpoint
    let db = CypherEndpoint::from_env()
        .expect("Failed to parse cypher endpoint from environment")
        .expect("Failed to create cypher database pool");

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine: Engine<AppRequestContext> = Engine::new(config, db)
        .expect("Failed to build engine");

    // execute graphql mutation to create new user
    let query = "
        mutation {
            UserCreate(input: {
                email: \"a@b.com\"
            }) {
    let metadata = HashMap::new();
    let result = engine.execute(query, None, metadata).await.unwrap();

    // display result
    println!("result: {:#?}", result);