AWS Lambda

To integrate Warpgrapher with AWS lambda, begin by including the following dependencies in Cargo.toml.


lambda_runtime = "0.3.0"
serde = "1.0.57"
serde_json = "1.0.57"
serde_derive = "1.0.57"
tokio = { version="1.4.0", features=["rt-multi-thread", "macros"] }
warpgrapher = { version="0.10.4", features = ["gremlin"] }

In the source file, include the following code to include structs and functions that are needed from dependencies.

use api_service::{create_app_engine, Error};
use lambda_runtime::handler_fn;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env::var_os;
use std::sync::Arc;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::gremlin::GremlinEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::DatabaseEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::juniper::BoxFuture;

Next the lambda integration defines a GraphqlRequest struct that is used to deserialize query strings and request variables from the lambda interface for passing to the Warpgrapher engine.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct GraphqlRequest {
    pub query: String,
    pub variables: Option<Value>,

The AwsLambdaProxyRequest struct is used to deserialize requests incoming from AWS lambda. Within the body of the request is the content that will be deserialized into the GraphqlRequest struct described above.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct AwsLambdaProxyRequest {
    pub body: String,
    #[serde(rename = "requestContext")]
    pub request_context: AwsLambdaProxyRequestContext,

The aws_proxy_response function below packages a result returned by a Warpgrapher engine's execute function into a format that can be returned to the AWS lambda framework.

pub fn aws_proxy_response(body: serde_json::Value) -> Result<JSON, Error> {
      "body": serde_json::to_string(&body)
        .map_err(|e| Error::JsonSerializationError { source: e})?,
      "headers": json!({}),
      "isBase64Encoded": false,
      "statusCode": 200

The create_app_engine function takes a database pool, Gremlin in this example, and returns a Warpgrapher Engine that can be used to handle GraphQL queries.

    static CONFIG: &str = " version: 1
        - name: User
            - name: email
              type: String

    // create config
    let config = Configuration::try_from(CONFIG.to_string()).expect("Failed to parse CONFIG");

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine: Engine<Rctx> = Engine::<Rctx>::new(config, db).build()?;


The main function ties the above elements together to process a GraphQL query when the lambda function is invoked. The function creates a database pool from environment variables, as described in the Databases section of the book. The main function then uses the create_app_engine function to create a Warpgrapher Engine. A closure is defined that deserializes the request from the AWS lambda function and passes it to the Warpgrapher engine for execution using the execute method. The results are packaged up for response using the aws_proxy_response method. That handler closure is passed to the lambda runtime for invocation when requests need to be processed.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // define database endpoint
    let endpoint = GremlinEndpoint::from_env()?;
    let db = endpoint.pool().await?;

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine = Arc::new(create_app_engine(db).await?);

    let func = handler_fn(
        move |event: Value, _: lambda_runtime::Context| -> BoxFuture<Result<Value, Error>> {
            let eng = engine.clone();

            Box::pin(async move {
                let engine = eng.clone();

                // parse handler event as aws proxy request and extract graphql request
                let proxy_request = serde_json::from_value(event).map_err(|e| 
                    Error::JsonDeserializationError {
                        desc: "Failed to deserialize aws proxy request".to_string(),
                        source: e,
                let gql_request = serde_json::from_str(&proxy_request.body).map_err(|e| 
                    Error::JsonDeserializationError {
                        desc: "Failed to deserialize graphql request in body".to_string(),
                        source: e,

                // execute request
                let result = engine

                // format response for api-gateway proxy
                    .or_else(|e| aws_proxy_response(json!({ "errors": [format!("{}", e)] })))

        .map_err(|_| Error::LambdaError {})?;