Request Context

In some cases, it's desirable to pass custom state information from your application into the Warpgrapher request cycle, so that your custom resolvers can make use of that information. The request context makes this passing of state possible.

Define the RequestContext

Every system using Warpgrapher defines a struct that implements RequestContext. In addition to implementing the trait, that struct is free to carry additional state information. However, the context must implement Clone, Debug, Sync, Send, as well as Warpgrapher's RequestContext trait. See the code snippet below for an example.

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AppRequestContext {
    request_id: String,

impl RequestContext for AppRequestContext {
    type DBEndpointType = CypherEndpoint;
    fn new() -> AppRequestContext {
        // generate random request id
        let request_id = "1234".to_string();
        AppRequestContext { request_id }

Engine Type Parameter

The struct that implements RequestContext is passed to the Engine as a type parameter, as shown in the code snippet below.

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine: Engine<AppRequestContext> = Engine::new(config, db)
        .expect("Failed to build engine");

Access the Context

Once passed to the Engine, the struct implementing RequestContext is available to functions that implement custom endpoints and resolvers, as shown in the snippet below.

fn resolve_echo_request(facade: ResolverFacade<AppRequestContext>) -> BoxFuture<ExecutionResult> {
    Box::pin(async move {
        let request_context = facade.request_context().unwrap();
        let request_id = request_context.request_id.clone();
        facade.resolve_scalar(format!("echo! (request_id: {})", request_id))

Full Example Source

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use warpgrapher::engine::config::Configuration;
use warpgrapher::engine::context::RequestContext;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::cypher::CypherEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::engine::database::DatabaseEndpoint;
use warpgrapher::engine::resolvers::{ExecutionResult, ResolverFacade, Resolvers};
use warpgrapher::juniper::BoxFuture;
use warpgrapher::Engine;

static CONFIG: &str = "
version: 1
  - name: User
      - name: email
        type: String
  - name: EchoRequest
    class: Query
    input: null
      type: String

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct AppRequestContext {
    request_id: String,

impl RequestContext for AppRequestContext {
    type DBEndpointType = CypherEndpoint;
    fn new() -> AppRequestContext {
        // generate random request id
        let request_id = "1234".to_string();
        AppRequestContext { request_id }

fn resolve_echo_request(facade: ResolverFacade<AppRequestContext>) -> BoxFuture<ExecutionResult> {
    Box::pin(async move {
        let request_context = facade.request_context().unwrap();
        let request_id = request_context.request_id.clone();
        facade.resolve_scalar(format!("echo! (request_id: {})", request_id))

async fn main() {
    // parse warpgrapher config
    let config = Configuration::try_from(CONFIG.to_string()).expect("Failed to parse CONFIG");

    // define database endpoint
    let db = CypherEndpoint::from_env()
        .expect("Failed to parse cypher endpoint from environment")
        .expect("Failed to create cypher database pool");

    // define resolvers
    let mut resolvers = Resolvers::<AppRequestContext>::new();
    resolvers.insert("EchoRequest".to_string(), Box::new(resolve_echo_request));

    // create warpgrapher engine
    let engine: Engine<AppRequestContext> = Engine::new(config, db)
        .expect("Failed to build engine");

    // execute query on `GetEnvironment` endpoint
    let query = "
        query {
    let metadata = HashMap::new();
    let result = engine.execute(query, None, metadata).await.unwrap();

    // verify result
    println!("result: {:#?}", result);
        "echo! (request_id: 1234)",